Article name Paronimic Attraction in Space of Aspectuality: Agglutinative Sketch in Literary Translation
Authors Shikhalieva S.K.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.35
Article type
Annotation Social nature of communication has been increasingly attracting translation theory researchers’ attention. In modern information environment, the main constituents of translation theory combine nature paronimic attraction in verbal categories. Its constituents recognize the signs of a verb in paronimic attraction analyzed in this article. In translation theory foundations, the study of paronimic attraction sign expands the constituent of the Bible. In the space of artistic constituent, the Bible is the process of establishing a national origin, it expands the boundaries of a paronym and temporal language in the Caucasian languages. In this case, it is necessary to depart from the usual translation solutions and rethink many processes of translation in the text of the New Testament. An overview of the research provides the necessary background transfers, without which the aspect of terminology research can be understood. They are fixing and identifying the terms of a literary text, the Bible. A study on the formation and standardization of orthoepy, grammatical and lexical norms formed successively with the modern trends of the theory of translation. In short, if you adapt the idea of a formal division of the predicate in the typological term communication solutions, the Caucasian languages exhibit structural types of the intonation funds. An analysis of the term “patronym” shows that the derivatives with non-finite verb forms appositive model names label in the Turkish-Dagestani segment. Consequently, the nature of the paronyms defines the forms of the verb used in various functional-stylistic layers of the language.
Key words text of the Bible, verb, constituent of paronyms, concept of paronymic attraction
Article information
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Full articleParonimic Attraction in Space of Aspectuality: Agglutinative Sketch in Literary Translation