Article name Language Problems of Multicultural Journalism
Authors Polyakova Y.A.Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description
UDK 070:81:008
Article type
Annotation Multiculturalism has penetrated into all spheres of human activity, including journalism. Moreover, the press is the main mechanism, which helps to promote and develop the ideas and principles of multiculturalism. Multicultural journalism as a specific feature of individual media and the press in general is the subject of this study. All these media find their audience regardless of political and national boundaries. However, the majority of multicultural media (or separate programs and publications), and basic journalistic trends used by them come from the US and Europe, and in addition to broadcasting news and trends they disseminate relevant outlook on life, values, language expression. The analysis presented in this paper allows us to determine to what extent the penetration of English words and expressions into the lexical field of modern media may occur and how it is justified in a particular case. The main rule of substantial diversity of media texts is to find the right approach to the language of the audience which entails the need to adapt the individual expressions and whole texts of the foreign journalism to national peculiarities of perception, as well as the use of modern forms of verbal and nonverbal communication between the mass media and the audience. Moderate use and proportional representation of foreign words, neologisms, expressions taken from the online environment in journalistic texts is the foundation of successful contact of the media and the audience.
Key words multiculturalism, media texts, neologism, linguistic approach, the Internet, blog
Article information
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Full articleLanguage Problems of Multicultural Journalism