Article name “… The Fetter’s Ring” is Audible
Authors Ivanov A.A.Doctor of History, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 343.255.6(571.54/55)
Article type
Annotation The present article is devoted to studying of formation and development of system of criminals transferring, exiled to Siberia, including Transbaikalia, in the XVII-XIX centuries. Despite the strong scientific interest of experts to the development of penitentiary science and practice of Russia in general, prisoners’ transfer as the scientific problem was not independently studied. Proceeding from it the author, on the basis of the published separate historical plots and the materials found in archives, set the purpose to create logically finished history of the organization of prisoners’ transfer trough the Moscow path from the country center through the Tobolsk Order, Tomsk, Yeniseisk, Irkutsk, Nerchinsk. In the article it is shown that the system of prisoners’ transfer was formed gradually, in process of increase in scales of punishment by the link. Originally prisoners were not regularly sent to the Siberian region, as required. Sagittariuses of the Siberian order acted as protection of exiled, thus there was no practice of provisioning and clothes transported under guard. At the beginning of the XIX century in connection with deep reforming of a control system by region, decrees about exiled and stages, which meant the beginning of implementation of a package of measures on creation of the finished system of prisoners’ escort, are accepted. In the Siberian provinces expeditions on exiled were created, landmark prisons were under construction, the issue with the centralized provisioning and clothes was resolved. Exiled followed to the destination as a part of landmark parties, their maintenance was entrusted to special convoy teams. The system of prisoners’ transfer demanded the constant perfection and modification. At the same time the government and administration on places did not undertake real measures to reforming of practice of application of the criminal link and prisoners’ transfer including that testified the crisis of the autocratic state, inability to modernization of the production and public relations.
Key words charter on exiled and stages, criminal exiled, landmark/semi-landmark prisons, convoy teams, Siberia, Transbaikal area
Article information
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Full article“… The Fetter’s Ring” is Audible