Article name System-Active Approach in the Teaching of Russian as a Foreign Language in the Principal Types Teaching of Speech Activity
Authors Ivanova T.M.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 372.881.161.1
Article type
Annotation Currently in the educational systems of different countries the problem of the education of foreign students is becoming extremely urgent. In this regard, it is necessary to create the effective systems of training, use of modern forms and methods of presentation of educational material, search of new pedagogical techniques and tools in the teaching of the Russian as a foreign language. Since the formation of professional competence of future specialists is in Russian, multidimensional problems of teaching of the Russian as a foreign language are of particular importance and relevance, especially, at present, in the conditions of rapid updating of information is not only important to awaken the interest to knowledge, expand horizons, but also to reveal the future specialist as a person capable to satisfy their educational queries. Training of foreign students to the practical Russian language is a twofold process. On the one hand, it is accepted that requires a creative approach to the teaching of the Russian as a foreign language, on the other hand – the individualization of education, involving into account the specific goals for the foreign student and his level of proficiency and personal approach to the learner, it not only as an object, but a subject of education. Obviously, for the implementation of these requirements in modern methodology of teaching of the Russian as a foreign language it is necessary to define the methodological foundations, among which there is such special category as an approach. On the example of system-activity approach in teaching of the Russian as a foreign author considers training of the principal types of speech activity of students-foreigners, since the formation of professional competence of future specialists in the Russian language.
Key words approach, system, activity, competence, communication, types of speech activity: receptive, productive
Article information
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Full articleSystem-Active Approach in the Teaching of Russian as a Foreign Language in the Principal Types Teaching of Speech Activity