Article name Conceptual Apparatus of the “Foreign” Lexis
Authors Kolomeytseva E.B.Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.11–112, 8.1’373.45
Article type
Annotation The article describes the conceptual apparatus of lexis, penetrating into the receiving language. The author summarized the theoretical apparatus of foreign lexis, distinguished borrowings, barbarisms and embedded foreign elements, identified main features of the embedded foreign elements based on the material of the English-language literary text. All the terms are described and distinguished. The author uses “embedded foreign elements” as a term which is used by scientists more frequently than the other terms. There are examples from Nabokov’s novel Pnin (examples of poetry and prose) to illustrate the textual analysis of those elements. The author divides all criteria into formal and substantive. The formal criteria may be: formalization, graphics, presence or absence of comment. The substantive criteria are pragmatic parameters, characteristics of hero, appropriateness of the use and others. The article justifies the necessity of further systematization of the text linguistics conceptual apparatus. Based on monitoring of the current knowledge of embedded foreign elements, formal and substantive criteria for the classification could be used in later scientific researches.
Key words borrowings, embedded foreign elements, barbarisms, text linguistics, realias, cultural connotated lexis
Article information
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Full articleConceptual Apparatus of the “Foreign” Lexis