Article name “Female Understanding” as a Communicative Problem in F. M. Dostoyevsky’s Idiot
Authors Makaricheva N.A.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 821.161.1.09
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to studying of communication between male and female characters in the novel Idiot. The author notes that, for example, in Notes from Underground and Crime and Punishment the image of the Hero-ideologist is opposed to the Heroine not only by moral or sincere qualities, but also by a way of conceiving things. In the above mentioned works, Dostoyevsky allocates women with ability to intuitive, emotional, sincere comprehension of the world, contrary to logical man’s “understanding”. However, another type of the hero is presented in the novel Idiot (embodiment of “the ideal person”) which is the communicative center of the novel. The author of the article reviews some examples when “female understanding” that the heroines are endowed with, not only contributes to establishment of a sincere contact (as with the novel Crime and Punishment), but also it is an obstacle for successful communication. The analysis of a number of episodes helps to find, first of all, some gender stereotypes characteristic for the society of the second half of the 19th century. Second, it expands the idea of dialogism in F. M. Dostoyevsky’s works.
Key words communicative perspective, “female understanding”, dialogue, plot development, dramatic nature of work
Article information
References 1. Dostoevskij F. M. Poln. sobr. soch.: v 30 t. L.: Nauka, 1973–1992. T. 6. S. 212. (vse ssylki na jeto izdanie dany v tekste raboty; pervaja cifra ukazyvaet tom, vtoraja – stranicu). 2. Pomeranc G. S. Otkrytost\' bezdne: Vstrechi s Dostoevskim. M.: Sov. pisat., 1990. 384 s.
Full article“Female Understanding” as a Communicative Problem in F. M. Dostoyevsky’s Idiot