Article name Life and Work of I. I. Gorbunov-Posadov in Bulgaria: Reception Issues
Authors Terzieva M.T.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description
Article type
Annotation The paper studies reception of the artistic and scholarly works of the Russian Tolstoyist Ivan Ivanovich Gorbunov-Posadov (1864–1940) in Bulgaria. With the help of the biographical approach, it has been established that such Bulgarian Tolstoyists as Dimitar Katsarov (1881–1960), Stefan Andreichin (1869–1961), Ivan Duichev (1907–1986), Sava Nichev (1872–1949?), TsenkoTsvetanov( 1904–1960), Yordan Kovachev (1895–1966), Ivan Kuyumdzhiev (1900–1989), Nikola Venetov (1882–1971), Slav Delkinov (1894–1977), and Аna Tsanova (1894–?) played a great role in dissemination of his works. The philosophical and pedagogical ideas of Tolstoy’s follower were appreciated by the intelligentsia, who regarded themselves as the addressees of his works. Ivan Gorbunov-Posadov was an example of stoicism and loyalty to the ideal, which Bulgarian Tolstoyists made their paragon.
Key words biographical approach, free education, Tolstoyist
Article information
References 1. Venetov N. I on ushjol! // Novaja zhizn\'. 1940. № 13. S. 3. 2. Gorbunov-Posadov Iv. Adin Balu // Jasnaja poljana. 1922. Kn. 1. S. 9–11. 3. Dimitrova M. Vegetarianskij obzor // Periodika i literatura. T. 5. Sofija: AI «Marin Drinov». 1999. S. 147–151. 4. Smert\' Posadova // Novaja zhizn\'. 1940. № 11–12. S. 5. 5. Pozdravlenija Iv. Iv. Gorbunovu-Posadovu po sluchaju 35-letnego jubileja russkogo «Posrednika» // Svoboda. 1934. № 476. S. 4. 6. Canova A. Iv. Iv. Gorbunov-Posadov (1864–1940) // Svobodnoe vospitanie. 1940. Kn. 7–8. S. 292–294.
Full articleLife and Work of I. I. Gorbunov-Posadov in Bulgaria: Reception Issues