Article name Model of Forming Social Teachers’ Creative Activity in the Educational Space of a Modern University
Authors Zherebyatnikova G.V.Assistant of Department of Pedagogics
Luchkina T.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.14
Article type
Annotation The article is concerned with a model of forming social teachers’ creative activity in the educational space of a modern university. The concept “creative activity” is briefly described as a key concept of the study. The presented model is developed taking into account the theses of the system and the competence approaches,as well as the ideas of contextual learning. The authors characterize in detail the objective, substantive, organizational, assessment and resultative units of the model. The objective unit includes the purpose and objectives of the generated model. The substantive unit involves principles, stages and activities of teachers and students.The organizational unit describes pedagogical conditions, methods, forms and means of instruction, and the resultative unit presents the result and the levels of creative activity’s formation. The levels of creative activity’s formation − reproductive,productive and creative − are generally described. The results of a statement stage of the experimental work are given in the article.
Key words model, activity, social teacher, creative activity, modern university, socially important projects
Article information
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Full articleModel of Forming Social Teachers’ Creative Activity in the Educational Space of a Modern University