Article name The Essence of Spiritual and Moral Education of Younger Pupils in the Educational Space of Russia
Authors Sapozhnikova A.G.Vice-Principal for Education
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.034
Article type
Annotation Spiritual and moral education of younger pupils is one of the important problems of pedagogy at the present stage of development of Russia, and scientists, educators and researchers pays great attention on it. It is important to note that today the problem of spiritual and moral education of younger pupils is not only discussed and investigated, but also becomes a matter of public policy. The main purpose of this article is to examine the nature of the system of spiritualmoral education of younger pupils in the educational system of Russia at different historical stages. Historical analysis of teaching experience showed that addressing to the system of spiritual-moral education of younger pupils at different times allows differently understand the purpose and meaning of younger pupils’ education which directly affects the nature, content and methods used in the educational field.
Key words spiritual-moral education, junior pupil, system, meta-educational space, soteriological direction, forms and goal of education
Article information
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