Article name Understanding of A. S. Makarenko’s Heritage in the Context of Personality Image Problems
Authors Sysoeva Y.Y.assistant
Bibliographic description
UDK 371
Article type
Annotation This article analyzes the heritage of A. S. Makarenko in the aspect of modern problems of personality’s image formation. The article explains that the features of environmental approach set the logic of individual’s education, from the creation of external conditions – to formation “whole” personality. The author emphasizes that the appeal to the teacher’s publications enriches discourse of pedagogical imageology and promotes comprehension of organizational conditions of image formation of modern childhood. The author states the necessity of understanding the personality image notion from the viewpoint of correlation of the notions “personality pattern” and “person of culture”. The “personality image” means an image of a person possessing certain cultural values and behavioral patterns of a particular society which are, at the same time, the basis of its social and educational activities. As a result of investigation the author comes to the conclusion that in terms of pedagogic image of a person of a new type in modern society, explicating in the notion of “the image of the personality” in terms of cultural urological paradigm of social development must correspond to the ideas of the concept of education the person of the culture.
Key words image of the personality, personal design, person of culture, culture, aesthetic, expressive, paradigm of social development, educational environment, milieu approach.
Article information
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Full articleUnderstanding of A. S. Makarenko’s Heritage in the Context of Personality Image Problems