Article name Humanitarian-Geographical Forms of Trans Border Additionality
Authors Novikov A.N.Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 911.3
Article type
Annotation Political and geographic discontinuity of Trans-border area, which the frontier represents, can be overcome through the humanitarian and geographical (transportgeographical, ecological and geographical, cultural and geographical) forms of additionality as homogeneous border territorial structures that perform cross-border continuity, like the natural geographic continuity, ignoring political boundaries and heterogeneous, revealing cross-border discontinuity. Continual transport and geographical additionality of peripheral adjacent parts with the arbuscular geographical pattern of transport networks opens new possibilities for the freight in the format of international cross-border area, transferring it to a higher level, as it is in the central regions of the country. Synergistic cross-border effects of the continual eco-geographical additionality is manifested in the exchange of innovative methods of nature observing in the format of trans-border protected areas, turning them into places of innovation introduction. Thus, the geography of the innovative development introduction, not from central places – big cities (from the center to the periphery), but from the periphery to the center, is changing. Continual cultural and geographical additionality has its own characteristics: the presence of cross-border monuments and memorials, which act as trans-border attractors, promoting cultural integration of border areas. The trans-border and non-uniform humanitarian-geographical structures additionality is possible, arising in their cross-border discontinuity, however, it does not provide the cross-border synergy. Discontinuity of trans-border structures does not allow the coordinated solving of emerging trans-border problems. Continuity forms of additionality of cross-border structures provide more effective cross-border cooperation; its attribute is cross-border symmetry, which is apparent in the mutual territorial organization of cities, transport ways, protected areas.
Key words frontier, humanitarian-geographical forms of trans-border additionality, international trans border territory, trans border discontinuity, trans border continuity, trans border area of special protection, trans border transport nets
Article information
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