Article name Russian Social Utopia in the 18th and the First Half of the 19th Century (Based on the Works of A. Radishchev and M. Shcherbatov)
Authors Privalova M.V.Candidate of Philosophy
Bibliographic description
UDK 141.81
Article type
Annotation The author of the article summarizes the analysis of the works of such prominent Russian philosophers as A. Radishchev and M. Shcherbatov. Today contemporary social realia demonstrate that the possibilities for the spontaneous development of our society have come to the end. So, the need for social forecasting, planning and the examination of the proposed projects is becoming particularly relevant. The author analyzes the social-utopian projects of A. Radishchev and M. Shcherbatov. Taking into account the classification of utopias proposed by E. Shatsky, M. Privalova identifies the projects as prospective and retrospective utopias. Assessment of our country’s past, its social and philosophical legacy largely determines the nature of the present stage of social development. This fact explains the author’s desire to interpret the social projects of the 18th – 19th centuries and to determine the degree of compliance with the social realia of life in the 21st century society.
Key words utopia, social reality, system of social relations, social-utopian thought, social project
Article information
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Full articleRussian Social Utopia in the 18th and the First Half of the 19th Century (Based on the Works of A. Radishchev and M. Shcherbatov)