Article name Negative Dialectics: Temptation of Nonidentity
Authors Fatenkov A.N.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 111.83
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Annotation Three versions of dialectics are being marked and specified: classical, positive non-classical (existential), and negative. The criterions of dialectic divisions are: 1) Different solution for the issue of the relationship between the one and the other, 2) Variation prioritization between equality and inequality.They differently correlate the one and the other, equality and inequality. Features of negative dialectics represented mainly by texts of Theodor W. Adorno are considered and estimated from the standpoint of positive non-classical existential dialectics. Their interpretation focuses on the problem of identity/nonidentity of the man and the world. Logical ending of negative dialectics subject is obvious and joyless: destruction, disassociation, and death. Runaway from identity which is typical for negative dialectics is treated as temptation.
Key words man, existential dialectics, negative dialectics, Theodor W. Adorno, identity, nonidentity
Article information
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Full articleNegative Dialectics: Temptation of Nonidentity