Article name Managing Research Effectiveness in a Regional University: Faculty’s Publication and Grant Activities
Authors Gomboeva M.I.Doctor of Culturology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.1
Article type
Annotation This paper determines the effectiveness of research in a regional university based on the analysis of the faculty’s publication and grant activities. It reveals the results of the main directions in research for the last three years, describes the specificity of evaluating the role of university faculty’s research effectiveness, designates the degree of university professors’ involvement in research activity, and identifies the factors that distract from or motivate research. The paper reflects the existing organizational schemes of research, presents some proposals to improve these schemes and offers some ways to improve research activity at the ZabSHPU in 2012.
Key words priorities for research, the degree of university faculty’s involvement in scientific activities, grant activity
Article information
Full articleManaging Research Effectiveness in a Regional University: Faculty’s Publication and Grant Activities