Article name The Stages of Humanism Idea Formation
Authors Grigoryan T.V.Graduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 101.1:316
Article type
Annotation The paper proves that the emergence of the idea of humanism was preceded by talion and “the golden rule of morality” and highlights the main general and distinctive features of these principles of society, acting as moral and ethical rules in world philosophy. The practical and humanistic orientation of talion is expressed in the fact that it strictly assumes causing damage to the affected party proportionately to the losses, thereby, restraining hostility between people. Talion the first representation of justice in the form of equivalent requital. Talion was replaced with the “golden rule of morality” as a moral principle of society. Simultaneously with the domination of the “golden rule” in European philosophical thought in Renaissance there arises the idea of humanism which is based on the recognition of each human life’s value and covers all spheres of human activity and relations.
Key words talion, “golden rule of morality”, idea of humanism, man
Article information
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Full articleThe Stages of Humanism Idea Formation