Article name The Authenticity of the Non-public
Authors Fatenkov A.N.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 111.83
Article type
Annotation In relation to the tradition of existential philosophy and well-known phenomena of world culture, the authenticity of the non-public is contrasted with the inauthenticity of the public, communicative and social. The paper develops M. Heidegger’s topological idea about the affinity of philosophy and the province. The social and public spheres are distinguished and critically considered from the standpoint of existential ontology and on the basis of M. Kundera’s texts. The figure of “the Other” is interpreted negatively as a fetish of communicative humanities. The paper presents a comparison of psychoanalytic, postmodern and existentialistic interpretations of Oedipus’s image and a comparison of postmodern and existentialistic interpretations of Anti-Oedipus’s figure.
Key words human, existential, social, public, communicative
Article information
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