Article name Mechanisms of Light and Color Effect on Man in the Night Club Culture
Authors Mikhalev V.V.Master’s Program Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.937+747
Article type
Annotation The article presents an attempt of a complex analysis of the concepts of light and color in terms of different sciences: physics, culturology, physiology, psychology, sociology, marketing, and interior design. It considers the existing mechanisms of light and color effect on man in different spheres of life. The author analyzes research materials on people’s color preferences and concludes that it is necessary to form average portraits of every social group for creating replaceable light and color environment in the night club interior. The article puts forward an idea that this replaceable light and color environment implies an opportunity of establishing mechanisms of light and color effect on man in the night club interior and justifies the need for creating such technology on the current market of night clubs.
Key words color, light, holiday culture, night club design
Article information
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Full articleMechanisms of Light and Color Effect on Man in the Night Club Culture