Article name Ethnic Character and Time
Authors Borisova I.Z.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 008
Article type
Annotation The article focuses on the phenomenon of time in the linguistic consciousness of the people. It compares time in French and Yakut cultures, revealing the features of time perception in these polar language consciousnesses. The people’s culture that depends on external natural and other factors, has been forming a specific perception of the time phenomenon over the centuries. The peoples, living in specific climatic conditions, form a different image of time as well as a different attitude to time. The Europeans, with their territorial density and their historically formed palatial courtesy, have a different attitude to the time phenomenon. Whereas, the peoples of the North, living in the vast tundra territory, in the conditions of long polar nights, white nights and short summers, have a different view of time and a different attitude to time. This is the first and main difference in perceiving time in two cultures. The Yakut have a special attitude to time manifested in the externally careless attitude to time (being late, long preparations before doing something, tolerant attitude to being unpunctual). All this can be explained by the fact that they have a traditional way of life due to climatic and geographical conditions, as well as the cyclic idea of time represented as a chain of repeated events of the same type. The French have a reverent attitude to time and punctuality due to a linear view of time that firmly connects bonds between time and the historical past associated with palatial courtesy. This last fact serves as a framework for time perception which is a typical feature of linear time.
Key words language consciousness, time phenomenon, linear time, cyclic time, world view
Article information
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