Article name Transformation of Borderlands Culture in the Era of Globalization
Authors Voronchenko T.V.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 008
Article type
Annotation The authors focus on the tendencies and problems of contemporary culture determined by globalization. The changes occurring in the borderland region as the region of the most intensive cross-cultural contacts are of particular relevance in this context. The problem of borderlands culture transformation is considered based on such notions as geoculture and geocultural community (I. Wallerstein), dialogical ideas (M. Bakhtin, Yu. Lotman, D. Likhachev), postcolonial and multicultural concepts (E. Said, H. Bhabha, G. Spivak, G. Gates, R. Bromley, A. Paredes, G. Anzaldua, etc.) that together, as the authors believe, form the core of current Globalistics in its cultural segment.
Key words globalization, borderland, geocultural community, migration
Article information
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Full articleTransformation of Borderlands Culture in the Era of Globalization