Article name Collocations as Means of Artistic Image Creation (On the Material of A. Rekemchuk’s Prose)
Authors Liu Guo Ping ..Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 882.09
Article type
Annotation The article deals with collocations used in the Russian language. Various points of view concerning classifications of phraseological units, including the new approach to the phraseological units offered by V. I. Terkulov are given. The main attention is given to the role of collocations in the literary text, their composition function. First of all it concerns the artistic image creation of the components which are collocations. They are an integral part in A.Rekemchuk’s prose that is the evidence both of writer’s language riches, and of his original individual style. Means of the use of collocations in the text are revealed. The significance of the research problem is connected with the fact that the analysis of grammar constructions, vocabulary and phraseology of this or that work are connected with the general development of standard language. Scientific novelty of the offered approach to the text analysis is that the work of modern time is studied. A. E. Rekemchuk’s prose is characterized by the simplicity of the verbal creativity and by the exact composition construction therefore remembered images are created. A great role in artistic image creation is played by collocations.
Key words collocations, phraseological units, individual style, modern prose
Article information
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Full articleCollocations as Means of Artistic Image Creation (On the Material of A. Rekemchuk’s Prose)