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Humanitarian Vector (Gumanitarnyi Vektor) is a peer-reviewed scientific publication.

Publisher name: Transbaikal State University

The journal is registered by Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). Registration Certificate: ПИ № ФС 77-71267 (October 10, 2017).

“Humanitarian Vector” is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences in groups of scientific specialties should be published: History, Philosophy, Philology.


Humanitarian Vector journal belongs to the K2 category in accordance with the categorization of journals included in the VAK List (serial number in the List 884).


                                                  Editorial classification  
                                                     Single-topic issue   

Subscription index: 42407 in “Pressa Rossii” subscription catalog

Format of the journal: 60 x 84 1/8.
A volume includes: ~ 200 pages.
Frequency of the serial journal: – 4 times a year
The papers are submitted throughout the year.

Contact Information:

Transbaikal State University; The Editorial Board (Room 126),
129 Babushkin st., Chita, 672039, Russia;

Phone: +7(3022) 35-24-79;

e-mail: zab-nauka@mail.ru


                                  Schedule of Publication

April  /  Philosophical Science
June /   Historical sciences and archeology
October / Tematic issue
Deсember / Philological sciences