Tatiana V. Bernyukevich

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) oscow, Russia). 


Research Interests

Culture and society, religion in sociocultural processes, reception of Buddhism in the sociocultural Russian space, the problem of identity in the context of a cross-border.


In 1992 she graduated from the Chita State Pedagogical Institute. N. G. Chernyshevsky, Faculty of Philology.

In 2000, at the Buryat State University, he defended his Ph.D. thesis “The problem of man in the socio-philosophical constructions of Russian cosmism (N. F. Fedorova, K. E. Tsiolkovsky, V. I. Vernadsky”).

In 2010, the doctoral dissertation «Buddhist ideas in the culture of Russia in the late 19th — first half of the 20th centuries» was defended at the Transbaikal State University.

Sphere of scientific interests

Culture and society, religion in socio-cultural processes, the reception of Buddhism in the socio-cultural Russian space, the problem of identity in the context of cross-border.

Scientific activity

Supervisor of master’s and dissertation research, including those from the PRC and Mongolia (13 papers were defended, 2 by citizens of the PRC). Doctoral Research Consultant.

Member of the editorial board of the journal Personality. Culture. Society” (Moscow, Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) (edition from the VAK list).

e-mail: bernyukevich@inbox.ru