Russian Science Citation Index RSCI (Russia) is an international bibliographic database of scientific publications of scientists. To obtain data on publications and citations of articles based on the RSCI database, the ScienceIndex analytical toolkit is used. is a Russian scientific electronic library integrated with the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) database of open access journals offers free (free) full-text access to scientific and academic journals in electronic format in all areas of science. Currently, the DOAJ database of open access journals includes 10,873 journals from 122 countries, which is less than 8% of the total number of scientific journals published annually worldwide. From Russian scientific journals, the DOAJ database includes less than 300 publications.
Citefactor is a service that provides access to quality controlled scientific journals. The Journal Indexing Guide aims to be comprehensive and cover all journals that use an appropriate quality control system, and is not limited to specific languages or subject areas. The purpose of the directory is to increase the visibility and ease of use of scientific journals, thereby facilitating the growth of their use and impact.
CrossRef is an association of scientific publishers that develops a common infrastructure to support more effective scientific communication. The CrossRef citation system today covers over 68 million journal articles and other content items (books, dissertations, technical reports, etc.) from thousands of scientific and professional publishers worldwide.
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory is a database of the American publishing house Bowker, which describes the global flow of serial publications in all thematic areas of life.
CyberLeninka is a Russian scientific electronic library built on the concept of open science. The project is aimed at disseminating knowledge on an open access model, providing free online full-text access to scientific publications, which, depending on agreements with the copyright holder, are placed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) open license.
The electronic library system “University Library Online” is a modern educational platform with many services that expand the boundaries of the information space of the university and provide access to higher and secondary educational institutions, public libraries and corporate users to the most popular materials of educational and scientific literature in all branches of knowledge from leading Russian publishers.
The Journals Impact Factor (JIF) provides tools for ranking, classifying, evaluating and comparing various international/domestic journals.
The Journal Factor (USA) is a globally recognized resource for advancing research and knowledge sharing.
Google Scholar is a free full-text search engine for scientific publications in all formats and disciplines. The Google Scholar index includes data from most of the peer-reviewed online journals of the largest scientific publishers in Europe and America.