Strovsky Dmitry Leonidovich

Academic Title: Professor, Ariel University (Ariel, Israel)


Education and Degrees

Doctor of Political Sciences (2002)

Candidate of Political Sciences: Lomonosov Moscow State University (1993)

Diploma: A.M. Gorky Ural State University, Ekaterinburg (1984)

 Research Interests: 

  • History and theory of the Mass Media
  •  Mass communications
  •   Political culture and political traditions of the Russian society
  •   Modern media tendencies in the world

Main publications:

Otechestvennaya zhurnalistika novejshego perioda (uchebnoe posobie; dopushcheno sekciej Nauchno-metodicheskogo soveta po zhurnalistike Uralo-Sibirskogo regiona RF v kachestve uchebnogo posobiya dlya studentov, obuchayushchihsya po special’nosti «ZHurnalistika»). M.: YUNITI-Dana, 2011. 369 s.

•           Rossijskaya zhurnalistika v ehpohu peremen: iz veka XX v vek XXI. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Diskurs-Pi, 2006. 169 s.

•           Korporativnaya kul’tura i korporativnye cennosti sovremennoj firmy: mezhdunarodnyj opyt i rossijskaya praktika (uchebnoe posobie; pod obshchej redakciej avtora; rekomendovano uchebno-metod. ob»edineniem po obrazovaniyu v oblasti finansov, ucheta i mirovoj ehkonomiki v kachestve ucheb.posobiya dlya studentov vuzov, obuchayushchihsya po special’nosti «Mirovaya ehkonomika»). Ekaterinburg: GOU «UGTU-UPI», 2003. 258 s.

•           Censorship in contemporary Russian journalism in the age of the war against terrorism: A historical perspective [Cenzura v sovremennoj rossijskoj zhurnalistike v usloviyah vojny protiv terrorizma: k specifike istoricheskoj ehvolyucii](stat’ya na angl. yazyke) // European Journal of Communication. London: Sage Publ. Vol. 21. N.2. 2006. Pp.189-212. (sovmestno s G. Sajmonsom)

•           Informacionnaya globalizaciya kak predmet nauchnogo poznaniya: k istoriografii voprosa // Izvestiya Ural’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. 1. Problemy obrazovaniya, nauki i kul’tury. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural. un-ta 2009. № 1/2 (62). S.31-45.

•           Why do Russians support censorship of the media? [Pochemu rossiyane podderzhivayut cenzuru SMI?] (stat’ya na angl. yazyke) // Russian Journal of Communication. Vol. 3, London, №1-4, 2010. Pp.53-71. (sovmestno s YU. Pietilajnenom).

•           Formirovanie problemno-analiticheskogo koncepta zhurnalistiki v lekcionnom kurse «Istoriya otechestvennoj zhurnalistiki novejshego perioda (1917-2008) / Sovremennoe zhurnalistskoe obrazovanie: sintez teorii i praktiki / pod red. G.V.Lazutinoj. M.: MediaMir, 2010. C.74-90.

•           Russian media at the political crossroads: Why do they not stimulate democracy?

•           [Rossijskie SMI na pereput’e: pochemu oni ne stimuliruyut razvitie demokratii?] (stat’ya na angl. yazyke) / Pedagogika. Tom XX. Pod. red Kazimierza Redzinskiego. Czestochowa, Akademia im. Jana Dlugosza w Czestochowie, 2011. Pp.35-52.

•           Osobennosti vozdejstviya politicheskoj vlasti na SMI v sovremennoj Rossii / Przemiamy Systemu Medialnego Polsko-Rosyjskie Spojrzenie. Pod redakcja naukowa Mariana Gieruli. Katowice, Polska, 2011. Rr.151-169.

•           Informacionnaya politika redakcii: k voprosu teoreticheskogo obosnovaniya / Prof. kul’tura zhurnalista: aktual’nye problemy obrazovaniya: mezhvuz. sb. materialov k 75-letiyu zhurnal. obrazovaniya na Urale / [pod red. prof. V.F.Oleshko]. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural. un-ta, 2011. S.66-75.

•           Crisis management and the mass media in Russia: Following the historical perspectives [Antikrizisnoe upravlenie i sredstva massovoj informacii v Rossii: k osobennostyam istoricheskogo razvitiya] (stat’ya na angl. yazyke) / Crises in Russia: Contemporary Policy and Practice from a Historical Perspective (eds.) B.Porfiriev and G.Simons. London, Ashgate, 2012. Pp.19-62.

•           Journalism in Russia: why its future looks uncertain [Budushchee zhurnalistiki v Rossii: pochemu ee budushchee vyglyadit neopredelennym] (stat’ya na angl. yazyke) / World of Media: Yearbook of Russian Media and Journalism Studies (ed.) E. Vartanova, 2013, Pp. 297-312.

•           Otkrytye kommunikacii kak instrument formirovaniya reputacii gosudarstva (na primere sovremennoj Rossii) / Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Ser. 10 ZHurnalistika. 2013. № 5. S. 64-80; № 6. S. 168-181. (sovmestno s G. Sajmonsom).

•           Osobennosti podgotovki zhurnalistov-mezhdunarodnikov: regional’nyj opyt / Mezhdunarodnaya zhurnalistika-2013: globalizaciya i regionalizaciya informacionnogo prostranstva: materialy II mezhd. nauch.-prakt. konf., 20 fevr. 2013 g., Minsk / pod obshchej red. T.N. Dasaevoj; sost. B.L.Zalesskij. Minsk: Izd. centr BGU, 2013. S.263-272. 0,8 p.l.

Research Management

Supervised three candidate dissertations in political sciences and philology (2008 – 2013).

Participation in Projects

Grants for research and lecturing in European, American and Chinese universities:

1. University of Southampton, UK, Tempus-TACIS program, February and March of 1996, EU grant.

2. New York New School for Social Research, USA, 1996, USAID grant

3. Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 1997, Soros Foundation grant

4. Hartley Institute of the University of Southampton, UK, 1998, Southampton University Library grant

5. University of Tampere, Finland, 2004, grant from the Academy of Sciences, Finland

6. School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2005, Fulbright Scholarship Program

7. University of Tampere, Finland, 2007, grant from the Academy of Sciences, Finland

8. University of Tampere, Finland, 2008, grant from the Academy of Sciences, Finland.

9. Pedagogical Academy named after Jan Dlugosz, in Czestochowa, Poland, 2009, EU grant.

10. University of Tampere, Finland, 2009, grant from the Academy of Sciences, Finland.

11. Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki, Finland, September 2011, grant from the Academy of Sciences, Finland

12. University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012, grant from the Higher School of Economics,  Prague (Czech Republic).

13. University of Uppsala, Sweden, April-May 2012.

14. University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic,, 2013, grant from the Higher School of Economics,  Prague (Czech Republic).

15. Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, July 2013, sponsored by this university, grant from The Ministry of Education, China.

16. University of Virginia, Semester at Sea, August 2013, sponsored by the university,

17. “Media systems in flux: the challenge of BRICS countries”, project sponsored by the Academy of Sciences, Finland (September 2012 — August 2016) (

Participation in conferences (2009 – 2014)

—      CambridgeUniversity, UK, 2009. Annual conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) — “Russian media at the crossroads: why there is no way to democracy”.

—      Univ. of Tampere, Finland, 2009. “East-West (re)negotiations: popular culture as a means of collective memory” — “Russian media culture during its modern political transformation”.

—      Cambridge University, UK, 2010. Annual conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) — “Social conflict in Russian mass media coverage”.

—      Univ. of Mass Communications. Beijing, China, 2010. The Sixth Sino-Russian Conference on mass media — “Russian media as a source for shaping the irrational information world”.

—      Univ. of Helsinki, Finland, 2010. “Fueling the Future? Assessing Russia’s role in Eurasia’s energy complex”. 10th Annual Aleksanteri Conference — “Is the authoritarian power blossoming? Following the economic transformation of the Russian media in the 2000s”.

—      Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary, 2011. “McLuhan Messages”. International Conference for the 100thanniversary of Marshall McLuhan’s birth” — Media globalization and its influence on national information spaces: following the McLuhan’s approach”.

—      Moscow State University, 2012. “The 4th International Media Readings in Moscow: Mass media and communications, 2012” — “Journalism process in modern Russia: to the study and realization”.

—      City University, Dublin, Ireland, 2013. “The JAMCR Yearly International Conference” — “The problems of open communications in the modern Russian media”.

—      Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, 2013. “Highway Africa: Speaking Truth to Power? Media, Politics and Accountability” — “The Russian media trends within the context of the world media development”.

—      Moscow State University, 2013. “The 5th International Media Readings in Moscow: Mass media and communications, 2013” — “Coverage of BRICS issues in Russian media: survey results”

Participated in annual national and international conferences in 2009 – 2014

