Yurii M. Goncharov

Doctor of History, Professor, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
Altai State University, 1992, history. PhD thesis: “Merchant family of Siberia in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. (based on the computer database of merchant families of the Tomsk province)”, 1997, Barnaul, Altai State University;
Doctoral dissertation: «Urban family in Siberia in the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries», 2003, Tomsk, Tomsk State University; Altai State University, 2019, jurisprudence (master’s degree).


Sphere of scientific interests:
provincial Russian city; class system of the Russian Empire; history of entrepreneurship in Siberia; family history; history of everyday life; women’s and gender history; marriage and family law of the Russian Empire.


Scientific activity:
Goncharov Yu. M. teaches the disciplines Actual Problems of Historical Research; Actual problems of national history; Gender discourse in the history of Russia; Woman in the social history of Russia; History and methodology of historical science; Theory and methodology of history; Russian history; History of Siberia; The history of entrepreneurship in Siberia in the 17th — early 20th centuries; Everyday life of the townspeople of Siberia of the second guilt of the 19th — early 20th centuries; Russian language and culture of Russia; Russian culture in the history and modern life of Russia; Semiotics of world culture.
Under his leadership, 11 candidate and 4 doctoral dissertations were defended.


e-mail: yuriig@yandex.ru