Article name Version Idea of Integrative “Combination” of Different Technological Educational Systems
Authors Akhmetova M.N. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Litavor V.S. Senior Lecturer,
Bibliographic description
UDK 371.385
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the problem of system integrative approach on the modern stage as a new stage of development. The aim of the work is the examination of peculiarities of integrative approach as a new field of activity in conditions of rapprochement and connection of different technologies and unity of educational situations. From methodological point of view a new field of activity of educational polysubjects as metaobjective was examined promoting to “living” of valuable relations. The main method is stages projection of a logical sign model. The result of the work is represented by universal students’ training actions, formed on different system stages. The definition of integrity as unity and correlation of systems was given; educational situation and its technological decisions in making “live” knowledge are at the centre of attention. The field of using of the research results may be educational approaches including work systems on the subjects “Russian” and “Literature”. The main conclusion is that integrity as continuity and generalization brings together and binds separate parts and functions of different systems by means of common educational situation.
Key words integrity of system approach, projection of educational situations, “emotional fore- seeing of actions”, logical or sign model, universal training actions.
Article information
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Full articleVersion Idea of Integrative “Combination” of Different Technological Educational Systems