Annotation |
Modern Buryat literature written in Russian still preserves the natural-historical boundaries of the writer’s
ethnic nature. In the process of globalization, the problem of national character has become of particular interest,
because the establishment of standard universal norms of human behavior gradually leads to the loss and
blurring of the boundaries of national individuality, the uniqueness of one’s own culture. The diversity of Russian
reality is especially interesting in the work of the author of the Buryat ethnicity, as the special approach and
psychology of his own nationality is transmitted. Relevant for the present is the designation of a crisis situation
for modern literature, including Buryat literature, since the process of unification of the national principle leads to
the loss of ethnic self-consciousness and national self-identification. The main goal of the study is to identify and
describe the main ways of creating the national character in modern Buryat prose in Russian. The hypothesis of
the study is that the national character exists and can realize its properties as an intermediary between society
and the manifestation of the ethnic unconscious, which contributes to the preservation of the identity of the nation in the conditions of globalization processes. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the definition of techniques
and methods for the translation of the national character by the author. Cultural-historical and comparative-typological
analysis were used as research methods. According to the results of the work, a whole complex of means
and methods of the author’s transfer of national identity in the works of modern Buryat national prose has been
identified, motives, cultural code and architectonic lines of the works have been considered. Literary searches for
a solution to the problem of national character in the prose of writers, representatives of Siberian ethnic groups,
are of great interest to literary researchers. Therefore, we see the prospects for further study of the problem in
a more detailed study of the manifestation of the national character in modern Buryat prose, which will make it
possible to more clearly see the vector of development of national literatures in the aspect of preserving a sense
of the national. |
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