Article name A Study of the Value of Network Media in Covering the COVID-19 Epidemic
Authors Li Yingying .. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description Li Yingying. A Study of the Value of Network Media in Covering the COVID-19 Epidemic // Humanitarian Vector. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 4. PP. 157–164. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-4-157-164.
UDK 070
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-4-157-164
Article type Original article
Annotation The relevance of the article lies in the study of the value aspect of the functioning of online media, which played an important role in overcoming the COVID-19 epidemic. The object of the study is the network media Weibo, TikTok and the network platform “Gosuslugi. Let’s decide together.” Scientifi c novelty is manifested in the analysis of the little-studied problem of the value of network media as sources of information in overcoming the real diffi culty of communication in an epidemic. The value of online media is expressed in educating the audience and jointly overcoming the consequences of the pandemic. The following methods were used: mass media monitoring, comparative analysis method, study of documents. A comparative analysis of the functioning of traditional and online media led to the conclusion that during the study period (from December 31, 2019 to July 15, 2020), traditional media did not pay due attention to organizing feedback from the audience, studying its opinion, as well as its emotional state. Traditional media have focused exclusively on factual messages, unlike online media, which are interested in: 1) engaging the audience in the exchange of information; 2) articulating its information needs and 3) expressing its emotions about the pandemic. A critical analysis of the literature has shown that the value of online media increases signifi cantly in emergency situations, such as an epidemic, since these information platforms are able to overcome time and space barriers in real time, distributing high-quality news and realizing the vital interests of the audience. The study of documents and reports of international health organizations confi rmed this thesis: the activities of the media lead to changes in public opinion and behavior and can affect the general psychological state of society. In the article, the value of network media is considered in three aspects: 1) social value is expressed in bringing the voices of ordinary people to everyone’s attention, satisfying their need to express emotions; 2) the value of communication ‒ in removing restrictions in intersocial and internatio nal dialogue and information exchange; 3) the value of propaganda lies in uniting peoples and promoting social cooperation in overcoming global dangers. In the future, it seems necessary to study the value of network media in the scientifi c discourse in the dissemination of information and organization of communication in emergency situations.
Key words network media, values, mass media, COVID-19 epidemic, emergency situation, report, information
Article information
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Full articleA Study of the Value of Network Media in Covering the COVID-19 Epidemic