Article name Civic Values of Students – Future Journalists
Authors Ivanyan R.G. Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Ivanian R. G. Civic Values of Students – Future Journalists // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 3. P. 142–152. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-2-142-152.
UDK 070
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-3-142-152
Article type
Annotation The aim of the research was to obtain information on the civic values of future journalists through the involvement in volunteering, online activism, solidarity practices, as well as through perceptions of the future profession. The methodology of the study was based on general logical and scientific approaches, the empirical data was collected in 2021–2022, through observation, comparison, conversations, and an anonymous semiclosed questionnaire survey. The findings of the study (N = 90) of 2nd and 4th grade students may be beneficial for media experts, sociologists, teachers, and civil servants. The author concludes that expression of concern about social problems, personal activism, and active presence online are not automatic prerequisites for citizenship. At the declarative and normative level, the students do not question the importance of active citizenship for journalists. But they have serious difficulties in the linking practically citizenship and journalism. Informants do volunteering, get involved in grassroots levels of digital activism, but do not feel own subjectivity and do not perceive their actions as part of activism. Future journalists even dismiss themselves from activism or resort to its neutral, unambiguous socially approved and comfortable forms, which cause neither internal nor external conflict. The author draws particular attention to the value of solidarity and the practices that arise from it. Students perceive it as collegial support of like-minded people, but they rarely initiate such actions. Lack of focus on the value bases of journalism in educational system in its real rather than normative application leaves students alone with uncertainty and contradictions, resulting in disorientation and a low level of civic engagement.
Key words professional values, civic values, journalism, media, students-future journalists, solidarity, activism
Article information
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