Article name Scientific Heritage of Specialist in Mongolian Studies A. M. Pozdneyev on Buddhism Among Buryats in the XVIIIth – Early XXth centuries: From Spread to Integration into the Sociocultural Space of Russia
Authors Polyanskayа O.N. Candidate of History, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Cultural Heritage of Buddhism
UDK 947.084.24 (517.5)
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2024-19-1-43-52
Article type Original article
Annotation The history of Buddhism spread among the Mongolic peoples, its influence on their worldview, daily life, and education level is one of the most important topics in the research of Russian Orientalists. Noting the comprehensive influence of religion, scientists tried to immerse themselves in both the philosophy and dogmatics of Buddhism, as well as to study its sociocultural role in the life of the Mongolic peoples. The research of domestic specialists in Mongolian studies based on written materials, official documents, observations, collected by them during expeditionary activities, was aimed at identifying the place of religion in the life of the Buryats, the role of the clergy in the spread of Buddhism and creation of Buddhist temples, understanding the processes of interaction between the Buddhist clergy and official authorities of Russia. The article studies the works by Aleksey Matveyevich Pozdneyev – a specialist in Mongolian Studies, who made a significant contribution to understanding many aspects of the history of Buddhism. We have analyzed some of the scientist’s publications and handwritten materials devoted to the issues related to the spread of Buddhism among the Buryats of Eastern Siberia, the establishment of Pandito Khambo Lama’s Institute in Russia, the importance of religion for preserving the territorial integrity of the state. Through the prism of A. M. Pozdneyev’s works, the fact of complex contradictory relations, shrouded in threads of mistrust, at the initial stage of interaction between the Buddhist clergy and the official power of the Russian state becomes obvious. However, these relations developed, and largely under the influence of external factors an emphasis was placed on the importance of common interests and mutually beneficial cooperation which led to the integration of Buddhism into the sociocultural world of Russia, making it an integral part of Russian history.
Key words Mongol studies in Russia, Buddhism, Buryats, Siberia, A. V. Igumnov, A. M. Pozdneev, D.-D. Zayaev
Article information
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Full articleScientific Heritage of Specialist in Mongolian Studies A. M. Pozdneyev on Buddhism Among Buryats in the XVIIIth – Early XXth centuries: From Spread to Integration into the Sociocultural Space of Russia