Article name The Uniform Instrument of Open Access to E-learning Resources – Site of Research Library of Transbaikal State University
Authors Manikovskiy P.M. Postgraduate Student, Department of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description
Section General Issues of Pedagogy
UDK 021
Article type
Annotation The principle of providing access to the e-learning resources, realized on the basis of the site of Research library of Transbaikal State University is described in this article. The site is considered as making part of official web university resource, accumulating various resources, such as electronic library systems, open federal sources of information, electronic library of theses, periodical press libraries, foreign scientifically – informational resources. All electronic systems which the Research University Library works with and the software which allows carrying out the work necessary for complete information online service for all Research library users are presented. The concept of development uniform of informational and educational environment in the Russian Federation, existing within the project at present, is considered in the conclusion of this article.
Key words e-learning resources, site of research library, electronic library systems, open federal systems, electronic libraries of theses, scientific electronic libraries, systems of distant education
Article information
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Full articleThe Uniform Instrument of Open Access to E-learning Resources – Site of Research Library of Transbaikal State University