Article name The Reception of the Chinese Ideas and Images by the Nomads of Transbaikalie before the Russian Colonization
Authors Zhukov A.V. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
Zhukova A.A. Candidate of Philosophy,
Bibliographic description
UDK 39(571.54/55)
Article type
Annotation In this article we study the processes of China’s ideological influence on the population’s minds of Transbaikalie before the Russian colonization. The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of the Chinese images reception by the population of nomadic communities of Transbaikalie. The authors reveal the spread of cultural phenomena imported from China, which does not seek to impose their ideology on their neighbors; however, it provided a mythologized impact on them. The archeological data, indicating the presence of cultural contacts of the early Nomads of Transbaikalie with China are drawn to the analyses. Historical data, revealing the theme of China ideological influence on the Turks, Khitan, and medieval Mongol are used. The novelty of the work is defined by the detection of the Chinese meaningful images, the reception of which was carried out in the minds of the Nomads of Transbaikalie, among which there are the images associated with the worship of Heaven and deified ruler. The authors emphasize the dissemination of such alternative methods of Chinese ideas as supporting China’s Manchu government of non-Chinese cultural phenomena. The result of the work was to identify the main propagation algorithms of the Chinese images and ideas in the Transbaikal region, among which the opening for the «non-Chinese peoples» enjoyment of the benefits of civilization achievements of China and the practice of «non-Chinese religion» supporting of Tibetan Buddhism stands out. The practical significance of the work is to prove the position that when planning an interaction strategy with China, Russia should take into account the existence of long-term nature of Chinese civilization and a significant impact to the traditional aspects of Chinese culture on the lives of the peoples surrounding China.
Key words images of China, Nomads of Transbaikalie, folk religion, ethno-cultural interaction, Chinese myth-making, reception of Chinese ideas, intercultural dialogue
Article information
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Full articleThe Reception of the Chinese Ideas and Images by the Nomads of Transbaikalie before the Russian Colonization