Article name The Structure and Types of Information Channels in Society
Authors Kilizhekova K.V. graduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section Problems of Modern Philosophy
UDK 101.1:31
Article type
Annotation The present article analyzes the structure of information channels in society, and suggests their typology. It identifies two main types of channels whose interacting elements are related either to “whole – whole” or “part – whole”. In both types of the proposed channels there is a gradual complication of the interaction and the increase in the number of elements involved. The first stage of the interaction of “whole elements” is the information channel “individual – individual” which forms the basis for the links “group – group” and “society – society”. The basic type of the “part – whole” information channels is proposed to be the “individual – group” one and based on it – “individual – society”, “group – society”, “society – global community”. The paper analyzes the structure of the information channel “individual – society” in detail.
Key words information channel, “individual – individual”, “individual – society”, “individual – group”, “group – group”, “group – society”, “society – society”, receiver, recipient, message, noise, public consciousness, individual consciousness, behavior
Article information
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Full articleThe Structure and Types of Information Channels in Society