Article name Linguistic Research – an Essential Part of Applying National Text Corpora in Teaching Foreign Languages
Authors Mordovin A.Y.Candidate of Philology, Doctoral Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 81\'322; 004.934; 004.912
Article type
Annotation The article considers issues related to use of text corpora in teaching foreign languages. While potential methods of using corpora for teaching foreign languages can be classified into two groups: illustrative-reference (non-heuristic) and research (heuristic), an opinion dominates among researchers that the research component of operating with corpora constitutes the greatest value being a means to establish facts of language independently. Since no national corpus may, by definition, claim to be correlated with the language experience of every native speaker of a given language, then the organic text corpus appears as the only possible integral and anthropocentric collection of texts. Therefore, when text corpora are being applied in teaching foreign languages, one must consider that excessive use of corpus approach to the detriment of mediated language competences may be associated with pragmatic discomfort.
Key words text corpora, corpus linguistics, teaching foreign languages, linguistic research
Article information
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