Article name To Sergey Ignat’yevich Bernstein’s Jubilee
Authors Sokolyanski A.A.Doctor of Philology, associate professor
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Annotation The article is dedicated to the 120th birthday anniversary of an outstanding philologist Sergey Ignat’yevich Bernstein who is famous as a bibliographer and a theatre theorist. The main scientific interests are concentrated on the studying of poetic speech phonetics. In 1920s S. Bernstein recorded poems recited by Block, Gumilev, Akhmatova, Mayakovskii, Yesenin, Sologub, Bely, Khodasevich and other not so prominent poets. Bernstein’s collection of records is unique. We know the voices of some poets only due to his records. Among poets Bernstein recognized those for whom their own recitation was the only right variant and those who admitted different ways of reciting their poems. Bernstein was the first who paid his attention to the use of Russian rhymes as a source of information about the pronunciation of the past. Bernstein spoke in support of the purity of oral speech, collaborated much with broadcasters. He made a great contribution to the creation of the Dictionary of Pushkin’s Language. Bernstein was a brilliant educator and many outstanding philologists of the second half of the XX century were his followers.
Key words rhyme, poetic pronunciation, phonetics, phonology, phoneme, rant
Article information
References 1. Bernshtejn S. I. O metodologicheskom znachenii foneticheskogo izuchenija rifm. (K voprosu o pushkinskoj orfojepii) // Pushkinskij sbornik pamjati professora Semjona Afanas\'evicha Vengerova. Pushkinist IV. M.-Pg., 1922. S. 329–354. 2. Bernshtejn S. I. Osnovnye ponjatija fonologii // Voprosy jazykoznanija. M., 1962. № 5. S. 62–80. 3. Bernshtejn S. I. Slovar\' foneticheskih terminov. M. : Vostochnaja literatura, 1996. 176 s. 4. Bernshtejn S. I. Stih i deklamacija // Russkaja rech\' / pod red. L. V. Werby. Novaja se-rija. Vyp. I. Leningrad, 1927. S. 7–41. 5. Gordon A. Golosa… URL : (data ob-rawenija : 15.12.11). 6. Leont’ev A. A. Pamjati Sergeja Ignat’evicha Bernshtejna : nekrolog // Izvestija Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdelenie literatury i jazyka. M. : Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1971. T. XXX. Vyp. 1. S. 102–103.
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