Article name Feminization of Russian Education: Stages of Formation
Authors Porsh L.A.Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Management,
Zakharova E.Y.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 122.129
Article type
Annotation At present, feminization of education connected with the processes of training, education, development of children, youth, vital and professional socialization of people is becoming a subject of scientific researches. Feminization of Russian education represents one of the directions of sociocultural development and reflects not only specifics of realization of a pedagogical profession in concrete political, social – economic and cultural – historical conditions, but also its public status. Our main task was to determine the stages of feminization of Russian education, their socio-cultural characteristics (involvement of the state in the process of feminization of education, presence of women in the structure and levels of education, gender features, functions of education in society that were not constant, they were determined by politics of the state in providing the stability and national safety of the country). For this purpose, we used the system, comparative historical, structural-functional approaches that helped to analyze feminization of education as an integral sociocultural phenomenon presenting a complex of interconnected elements (reasons, factors, and terms) reflecting specificity of the social process. Social and philosophical analysis of feminization of education in Russia has allowed us to set necessary methodological bases of definition of the stages of feminization in Russian education.
Key words feminization of education, development of society, social phenomenon, sociocultural features
Article information
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