Article name The Quality of Life in U. Beck’s “Risk Society”2
Authors Tomskih M.S.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Tomskikh M. S. The Quality of Life in U. Beck’s «Risk Society» Formation // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 23–29.
DOI 10.21209/2307-1826-2016-11-2-23-29
UDK 316.42
Article type
Annotation Research of quality of life and its evaluation indicators began in the 1960s–1980 s. Different paradigms of quality of life research have been developed, such as economic, psychological, medical, educational, demographic and ecological ones. The article analyzes the quality of life in the ecological paradigm of the «risk society» concept by U. Beck. In his work «Risk Society». On the way to another modern» the scientist forms a new approach to the quality of life evaluation in ecological paradigm, in terms of the modernist methodology. The quality of life in ecological paradigm is understood as creation of such ecological conditions of individuals life that retain the natural environment U. Beck calls modern society as the risk society, he describes the causes of the risk, their types and he proves that some of the factors determining the society quality of life, changes in social, political and cultural spheres of persons life are risks and dangers. The paper compares the industrial society and the risk society, the criteria are highlighted. The scientist proves that risks are a natural stage of society development which itself generates the risks. However, society cannot manage the risk because modern risks control risk due to the fact that «are not amenable to direct sensory perception of man», the man knows only little about them, their results can occur in some decades. Moreover, U. Becks concept analysis consequences of environmental and technological risks in social, political and other spheres of society, it describes the mechanisms to improve the quality of life.
Key words risk, quality of life, technological risks, environmental risks, ecocentrism
Article information
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