Article name National Cultural Myth in Contemporary Transcendence: the Philosophical Analysis
Authors Silantieva M.V.Doctor of Philosophy
Bibliographic description Silant’eva M. V. National Cultural Myth in Contemporary Transcendence: the Philosophical Analysis // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 72–80.
DOI 10.21209/2307-1826-2016-11-2-72-80
UDK 130.2
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes some of the features of modern neomythology based on understanding of society as a space of national culture. Religious aspects of integrative mechanisms related to national culture are distinguished, their appearance in today’s social transcendence is described. An attempt was made to link the metaphysical conditions and socio-political contexts of the processes, identifying the real foundation of the mythological (primarily axiological and ideological) constructs that are operated within the latest discursive practices. Relying on the works of modern philosophy of religion and culture researchers, possible logical relations between certain concepts of the semantic field of “national-cultural mythology” were analyzed. Thus, the concepts of “new Slavophilism” and “neo – archaic” are considered from the opposite points of view, the concepts of “neo – slavophilism”, “neo-eurasism”, “neo-paganism”, “religious neo-modernism” associated with them are interpreted in terms of their logical intersection. Also the relationship of these concepts with the relevant phenomena of reality is underlined. There is the conclusion about the absence of identity between the “statist” interpretation of national mythologies and personalized interpretations, as well as the discrepancy of religious painted declarations of intent of certain social groups with their actual religious orientation. Based on “traditional values”, the new anthropological project is described in terms of the laws of its revitalization, as well as the capabilities and performance boundaries in the space of contemporary culture.
Key words national cultural myth, national idea, new Slavophilism, neoslavophilism, new archaic, neo-paganism, traditional values, new anthropological project
Article information
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