Article name Discourse Studies of Transbaikal Russian Folk Speaking: Opportunities and Prospects
Authors Ignatovich T.Y.Doctor of Philology
Bibliographic description Ignatovich T. Y. Discourse Studies of Transbaikal Russian Folk Speaking: Opportunities and Prospects // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 12–17.
UDK 81’282
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the possibilities and prospects of research of Transbaikal Russian folkspoken discourse. The urgent task is to create an electronic fund records of Transbaikal Russian people’s conversation, promising the creation of the Trans-Baikal discursive body with a retrieval system and links. The author examines a number of promising aspects of the study of the regional people’s spoken discourse, the study of Transbaikal discursive fragments in communicativepragmatic perspective in particular, from the standpoint of dialect genre and in sociolinguistic aspects one needs to study different speech strategies of villagers due to socio-cultural factors: age, gender differences, level of education, profession and occupation, way of life, education and family traditions. The author thinks it is prospective to study discursive differentiation in a variety of communicative speech conditions. Communicative and cognitive as well as linguocultural research of Transbaikal people’s colloquial discourse is very important, as it allows us to enter into the process of man’s knowledge of the language by the essential properties of reality, to consider the characteristics of verbalized regional picture of the world passed through the prism of perception of Transbaikal people. Introduction of new discourse fragments of Transbaikal Russian national informal conversation into science broadens the opportunities for studying the mechanism of creation of motivated figurative names in national consciousness and their inclusion into living speech. Discursive illustrative material given in the article indicates the scientific potential of the analyzing object.
Key words Transbaikalia, Russian discourse, folk speaking, aspects of research
Article information
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