Article name National-Religious Composition in the City of Chita in the Second Half of the XIXth – Early XXth Century
Authors Kiskidosova T.A.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description Kiskidosova T. A. National-Religious Composition in the City of Chita in the Second Half of the XIXth – Early XXth Century // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 99–103.
UDK 94(47)08(571.5)
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the national and confessional composition of the population of Chita in the second half of the nineteenth – early twentieth century. Statistical materials allow us to investigate the ethnic composition of the population only since the late nineteenth century, until that time the registration of residents by religion had been carried out. A distinctive feature of Chita from many other Siberian cities was a significant preponderance of male population over female. The sexual imbalance was associated with a massive influx of primarily male-oriented construction work, and military administrative direction of the city. During the period under review, with growth in the urban population, the national-religious composition of the population changed. With the rapid influx of settlers, new confessional and ethnic groups came. Among the religious groups “Othodox Christians” dominated, but its proportion declined slightly in connection with the increase in the proportion of other groups. By the early twentieth century the ethnic picture of Chita was plural, but the leadership was held by the national group “the Russians”. The author comes to the conclusion that in the urban area representatives of different national and religious groups coexisted peacefully.
Key words Chita, city, ethnic composition, religious composition, denomination
Article information
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Full articleNational-Religious Composition in the City of Chita in the Second Half of the XIXth – Early XXth Century