Article name Dialogue of Cultures as a Leading Tendency in the Modern Musically-pedagogical Education Russia and China
Authors Gaidai P.V.Candidate of Science (Pedagogics), associate professor
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UDK 781
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Annotation In the article the questions of expansion of international space in the sphere of music education, increase of the role of musical art and musical training in realization of intercultural dialogue are considered. Presence of Chinese students-musicians at Russian higher schools has become an impulse to acquaintance and knowledge of culture of the largest eastern state. Complexity of perception and interpretation of the Chinese music actualize questions of understanding artistic culture of this country. Various aspects of studying musical art of China by Russian students are revealed in the article. The problems of development of the Chinese piano music are analyzed.
Key words dialogue of cultures, music education, musical art of China, musical composition, performance activity
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Full articleDialogue of Cultures as a Leading Tendency in the Modern Musically-pedagogical Education Russia and China