Article name Nominative of substantive declination of plural in modern Russian dialects of the North Russian Patois in territory of East Transbaikalia
Authors Ignatovich T.Y.Doctor of Philology
Bibliographic description
UDK 482
Article type
Annotation In given article are investigated a nominative of substantive declination of plural in modern Russian dialects of the North Russian genesis in territory of East Transbaikalia, alternativeness of case inflections and processes which cause it in particular are considered. Variants of case inflections are characterized by origin and degrees of activity of the use. Among the remained archaic lines steadier and less steady phenomena come to light.
Key words Russian dialects, East Transbaikalia, substantive declination, plural, a nominative
Article information
Full articleNominative of substantive declination of plural in modern Russian dialects of the North Russian Patois in territory of East Transbaikalia