Article name Start and Development of Broadcasting on the Territory of Eastern Zabaikalye (1920s − 1930s)
Authors Pryazhennikova M.V.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 94 (410)
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the description of the process of the start and development of broadcasting in Eastern Zabaikalye. The way of the development of broadcast networks from the amateur societies to the creation of transmitting station is traced. The activity of radiofans societies is analyzed. The conclusions about the influence of broadcasting on the cultural development of the population in Eastern Zabaikalye are drawn. The article is based on the publications of 1920s – 30s and archive records which were not published earlier.
Key words radio, amateur societies, broadcasting station, broadcasting courses, development of broadcast networks, broadcasting bureau, broadcasting
Article information
Full articleStart and Development of Broadcasting on the Territory of Eastern Zabaikalye (1920s − 1930s)