Article name Mongolian Horse in the Wars and Culture of Mongolian People
Authors Danzangiyn Erdenebat ..Postgraduate Student
Zhambalova S.G.Doctor of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 008 (517.3)
Article type
Annotation In the article written on the basis of literature, memoir, nonfiction and published field sources, a Mongolian horse in the wars and culture of the Mongolian people has been studied comprehensively. The article is relevant due to poor knowledge of this breed of horses in terms of its fighting qualities and behavior in combat, as well as in the culture of Mongolia; increasing interest, related to the revision of the medieval Mongolian history; increase of the herd of horses in the modern Asian post-Soviet space for economic reasons in ordinary villagers. The hypothesis has been suggested: Mongolian horse is one of the important elements of the cultural heritage of the Mongolian Empire. The reasons and characteristics of its specialness that allowed it to enter the history as a participant of victorious and violent wars of the Middle Ages and the 20th century have been studied. There is an opinion about its origin from the Przewalski’s horse. Saving the breed since the time of Genghis Khan has probably been due to the isolation of the particular country, as well as to traditionalism of Mongols’ nomadic life style. The Horse holds a leading position in the economic, festive life. We consider the specifics of the use of horses in the medieval Mongol wars: light, shock and heavy cavalry, each with its functions; for crossing a big river, for tactical military deception. All these required special equipment of riding horses, some horses had armors. There is their description in the article. During the Great Patriotic War and the Soviet-Japanese War in 1945 horses as a part of the horsemechanized forces interacted with heavy artillery. Image of a horse is vividly reflected in the culture of Mongolian people. The national emblem of Mongolia, some horse sculptures and horse racing at the Naadam festival have been considered in the article. The result of the study: the analysis of the reliable materials has allowed us to consider the hypothesis to be confirmed and to recognize it as an undeniable fact.
Key words Mongolian horse, Mongolian empire, war, horse armor, tactical military deception, horsemechanized troops, emblem, culture
Article information
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Full articleMongolian Horse in the Wars and Culture of Mongolian People