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Article name | Review of the Monograph by A. N. Novikov “Cross-Border Position of Zabaikalsky Krai in the Trans-Border Three-Level Region: Role in the Territorial Organization of Population and Economy” |
Authors | Zabortseva T.I.V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences |
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UDK | 910.1 |
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Annotation | The concept of fractal geographic trichotomy is the base of the present research. It is proved that at the micro level, at the junction of the three countries borders in different parts of the world, the specific geographical structures are formed, they are characterized by centripetal tightening regime of economic nature management and symmetrization of territorial structures. We consider the position of Zabaikalsky krai in trans-boundary threelevel region of the Eastern junction of the borders of Russia, Mongolia and China. As a result of philosophical and geographical idealization, two regional models of territorial structures of nature, population and economy are nominated: an orthogonal and a radial one. According to the model, two cartographic anamorphoses of Zabaikalsky krai reflecting the role of cross-border position in the territorial organization of the population and economy are proposed. With the help of calculations of transport structures density coefficient, the author proves the reduction of the impact of cross-border position: according to the orthogonal model – with distance from the site of the Russian- Chinese border; according to the radial model – with distance from the junction point of the three countries border. The monograph is intended for geographers-sociologists, economists and experts in the field of border regional management and cross-border integration. |
Key words | human geography, state border, Zabaikalsky krai, China, Mongolia, population, geographical situation, Russia, trans-border three-level region, territorial organization, economy |
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Full article | Review of the Monograph by A. N. Novikov “Cross-Border Position of Zabaikalsky Krai in the Trans-Border Three-Level Region: Role in the Territorial Organization of Population and Economy” |