Article name The System of Vows for Development of the Personality as the Subject of Liberation in Buddhism
Authors Donets A.M.Doctor of History, Institute of Mongolian
Bibliographic description Donets A. M. The System of Vows for Development of the Personality as the Subject of Liberation in Buddhism // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 2. P. 148–153.
DOI 10.21209/2307-1826-2016-11-2-147-153
UDK 294.321
Article type
Annotation The paper deals with the system of vows in Buddhism, reveals its place in the Buddhist soteriology and determines the significance of this system for the personality development in Buddhist culture. On the basis of original language sources, the understanding of vows is analyzed as it was acknowledged in Tibetan Buddhism. Three main types of vows (tib. sdom gsum) are singled out in the Buddhist tradition: vows of “individual salvation” (prātimokṣa), the Boddhisattva Vows and the Tantric Vows. It is acknowledged that the former vows fix the individual to Buddhism and define his status in relation “worldly – gone from the world”. The vows of Bodhisattva define that an individual belongs to the Mahayana and Tantra, i. e. to the Vajrayana. The analysis of the vow contents makes it possible to divide them into the following types. The first type of vows brings an individual to the shelter of Three Jewels that is qualified as the entrance “door” to Buddhism and to Mahayana. Their acceptance and observance make up a basic position of a personality and determines, to a great degree, the main stream of a person’s life. The second type comprises a large group of vows that regulate behavior in different cases, in communication with other people. Their acceptance and observation makes what constitutes the Buddhist culture of behavior. The third group of vows includes those that determine a specific attitude of an individual to religious realities of any kind. The paper discloses the psychological content of the vows, which brings to the conclusion that the system of vows is fundamental in religion. It forms the basic personal position and the culture of behavior. It directs human activity in soteriological way and it makes people’s actions more meaningful and increases self-control.
Key words Buddhism, personality, socialization, philosophy of religion, Mahayana, theology
Article information
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Full articleThe System of Vows for Development of the Personality as the Subject of Liberation in Buddhism