Article name The Relationship of Conditionality in the Yakut Language: Goal Constructions
Authors Yefremov N.N.Doctor of Philology, associate professor, main researcher, Sector of Yakut Grammar and Dialectology
Bibliographic description Efremov N. N. The Relationship of Conditionality in the Yakut Language: Goal Constructions // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 98–104.
UDK 811.512.157’36
Article type
Annotation For the first time in Yakut linguistics, structural and semantic properties of bipredicative constructions which express one type of conditionality, namely, the relationship of purpose based on the method of field structuring are considered. The analysis of data established that in the domain of constructions under investigation one can distinguish constructions with specialized and non-specialized – contextually-conditioned markers of the link between predicative parts. The nucleus of the functional semantic field of the relationships at hand is represented by bipredicative constructions with converbial, participial case-marked and participial postpositional (analyticalsynthetic) dependent predicates which is conditioned by the postpositional-agglutinative nature of the Yakut language. Converbial constructions in contrast to participial case-marked and participial postpositional ones have a single subject. The periphery of purpose relationships is represented by analytical bipredicative constructions, which predicative parts are headed by finite forms and combine with the help of binders – conjunctions and connecting words. Structural and semantic properties of bipredicative constructions which have been identified and described in this article may be used when studying analogous constructions in other Turkic languages. Yakut as, a member of the Turkic group in which one can observe economical use of grammatical means, is characterized by contextually conditioned means of expression of purpose relationships.
Key words the Yakut language, relationship of conditionality, purpose constructions, bipredicativeness, structure, semantics
Article information
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Full articleThe Relationship of Conditionality in the Yakut Language: Goal Constructions