Article name Script, Frame, Scheme in a Literary Text
Authors Karipzhanova G.T.Candidate of Philology, Аssociate Professor
Abikenov M.T.Candidate of Philology, Аssociate Professor
Bibliographic description Karipzhanova G. T., Abikenov M. T. Script, Frame, Scheme in a Literary Text // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 105–110.
UDK 81`1
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the script based on Zh. Aymauytov’s works. The script is important in understanding the national character. Zh. Aymauytov skillfully uses comparisons inherent in the Kazakh mentality. The script formed the outlook of a particular nation. The article also examines the frame in a literary text. Frames are linguistic units gathered around a certain concept. These concepts provide a simple prospective information based on a specific concept associations. In addition, frames can definitely describe the national features. The frame is similar to the script, but the script is characterized by the predominance of statistical states and the frame is characterized by a dynamic state. The article also defines the term ‘‘scheme’’ in Zh. Aymauytov’s works. The writer uses symbols and signs appropriate for the Kazakh mentality comparing them more accurately and vividly in description of a particular object, action or phenomenon.
Key words text, theme, idea, linguistics, concept, portrait
Article information
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Full articleScript, Frame, Scheme in a Literary Text