Article name The Verbal Participle Forms in the Language of the Buryat Chronicles
Authors Badmaeva L.B.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Badmaeva L. B. The Verbal Participle Forms in the Language of the Buryat Chronicles // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 167–171.
UDK 811.512.31
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to consideration of participial forms in the language of the Buryat annalistic texts of the XIXth century in the Old Mongolian script. The author notes that integrated language learning of written monuments in the Old Mongolian script can provide valuable information to develop questions of language formation. In the chronicle texts we identified examples of the use of the connective, continuous separation, continuous, limit, provisional, conditional, concessive adverbial participles. However, it is noted that such participial forms as target, “quotational” (prep), and conditional II affix-qula / -küle, conditional III affix-bala / -bele they are not marked. Comparative analysis showed that some limit participles with the affix -tala / -tele, derived from verbs of motion in modern Buryat language as a result of the loss of the lexical meaning moved into the category of postpositions and conjunctions, with an indication of the limit in time and space, for example: kürtele > хурэтэр ‘to, at’, boltula > болотор ‘ ... until’, degüürtele > дуурэтэр ‘till the end, to perform, to the limit’, bayitala > байтар ‘meanwhile; in the meantime, while’, yabutala > ябатар ‘up until’. Thus, the article notes that the verbal participle forms have a high frequency of use in the texts of the Buryat chronicles. They form different verbal participle phrases or dependent predicative units (DPE), which are logically related to each other and form a single whole – a complex syntactic complex (CSC).
Key words Buryat chronicles, Old Mongolian script, verbal participle forms, infinite predicates
Article information
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