Article name Semantic Sphere of Love in the Mongolian Languages
Authors Sundueva E.V.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Sundueva E. V. Semantic Sphere of Love in the Mongolian Languages // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 189–193. DOI: 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-189-193
DOI 10.21209/2307-1834-2016-11-3-189-193
UDK 81’37(=512.36)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to reflection of the key concept of love in the Mongolian languages. Different lexical ways of its reflection demonstrate that this semantic sphere was developed rather late. The word ‘‘duran’’ refers to three kinds of love in the Buryat and Kalmyk languages: 1) sexual gender feeling (Bur. bi šamda durataib, Kalm. bi čamd durtav ‘I love you’); 2) feeling of attachment, intimacy, care (Bur. aba ežidē duratai ‘loving parents’); 3) the preference of what is pleasant, what gives pleasure (Bur. edixe duratai xun ‘a hearty trencher-man’). In the Khalkha-Mongolian language, the word ’’dur’’ has only the third meaning while the first and second kinds of love are expressed by means of lexeme ‘‘xair’’ (bi čamd xairtai ‘I love you’, ex orondō xairtai ‘loving the homeland’). The author reveals that three meanings of the lexeme qayir ‘compassion, pity’, ‘love, favor’ and ‘thrift, greed’ are primary, and the meaning ‘favor, goodwill’ has developed on a basis ‘to love someone, to grant a favor’. The meanings ‘pity’ and ‘avarice’ are conditioned by the acoustic articulatory characteristic of the root consonant r, transferring internal discomfort. Concerning the meaning ‘love’, the consonant r transfers the general excited condition of an organism.
Key words Mongolian languages, lexis, semantics, meaning, etymology
Article information
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